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Title image from Dordogne game
Adam pointing at some homework with my 2 kids.2 min read

Two indie games we're hackin on in the house

A fragile egg puzzle platformer and a beautiful, hand painted, storydriven water color art experience. Maybe you'll get some joy out of one too.

Dordogne #

This play a little like a point and click, in that you interact with the art alot. But it's more of a story driven exploration of why a little girl can't remember her 13th birthday with Grandma.

You get to make choices, write poems, solve puzzles and explore a beautiful water coloring of a city in France.

It's a slower pace game, good for a Sunday morning or when you're really trying to chill out a moment.

Steam · YouTube

Fowl Damage #

A silly, velocity puzzle solver platformer.

  • Don't jump and hit your head while moving too fast… oops, you broke!
  • Don't fall too far or jump off a platform… oops, you broke!

The puzzle is getting through each area without cracking. It requires a new way of navigating a platformer, pretty fun. Explore the biomes, find secrets, and try to keep the velocity down, even during a boss chase.

Steam · YouTube