Popovers are pretty rad, as are dialogs, but animating them isn't easy.
- the browser toggles
- the elements enter and exit the
top layer
(aka: the DOM penthouse)
are basically being
appended or
removed, and
is toggled
between block
and none
Ew, how do we deal with that?
Steal this basic setup #
This next section is optimized for you to steal, but you can also just peep the Codepen and take it from there.
Button that opens the popover:
<button popovertarget="my-tooltip">?</button>
The [popover]
<p id="my-tooltip" popover>tip</p>
This is a bit tricky. At least I think so.
[popover] {
&, &::backdrop {
display 0.5s allow-discrete,
overlay 0.5s allow-discrete,
opacity 0.5s;
opacity: 0;
&::backdrop {
background: black;
&:popover-open {
opacity: 1;
&::backdrop {
opacity: 0.5;
@starting-style {
&:popover-open::backdrop {
opacity: 0;
CSS snippet explained #
This isn't a deep dive, find
a good one from Una here,
but is a 2m
Transition setup #
- sets any popover and their backdrops to
opacity - sets up a transition for that opacity
- with a matching duration to opacity,
use a new keywordallow-discrete
that signals these properties toggle any new values after the duration has run
[popover] {
&, &::backdrop {
display 0.5s allow-discrete,
overlay 0.5s allow-discrete,
opacity 0.5s;
opacity: 0;
Display and entering/exiting the top-layer will now only change after opacity
has finished fading
Popover showing #
- sets any popover to opacity
- sets the backdrop to half opacity
[popover] {
&:popover-open {
opacity: 1;
&::backdrop {
opacity: 0.5;
Entry animation prep #
Since popovers enter the top layer, and we're using transitions, we need a way
to tell the browser what styles to start the transition from. Enter
- When the popover is opened
- Start the backdrop and popover with opacity 0
[popover] {
@starting-style {
&:popover-open::backdrop {
opacity: 0;
This will then transition from the starting style, to the popover showing
JS #
Nothing to see here.
Try it #