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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.

CSS color tip!

Need a rainbow gradient? Let <hue-interpolation> do the work.

.vibrant-rainbow {
  background: linear-gradient(
    to right 
    in hsl      /* vibrant gradient HSL colorspace */
    longer hue, /* hue-interpolation set to longer */
    red, red    /* now red to red goes all the way around */
All colors of the rainbow in a gradient from left to right.

Join the conversation on

  • Ramsés :prami_pride_rainbow:
  • Benny Powers 🇨🇦️🇮🇱️
  • Elly Loel ✨🌱
  • Matt Wing
  • patak
  • Oliver
  • Peter Pan
  • Ana Tudor 🐯🖤🌻
  • T. Afif @ CSS Challenges
  • Tim
  • Myles
  • Ofelquis Gimenes
  • Lady Murphy
  • 🔥.codes
  • Juan Adrián
  • Sujal Shah ⚡
  • Chromium Developers
  • Tigran 🇦🇲
  • chotus magnificus
  • Alex Lam
  • Konstantin Dankov
  • Christa Dickson

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