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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.

For chill time I'm adding to this scroll driven animations notebook.

Some pretty wild stuff in there already, gettin wierder each bedtime routine.

A grid of zebra striped scrollers, each with various animations in mid effect.

18 mentions #

  • Mauricio
  • Penny
  • Schalk Neethling
  • Frontend Army
  • Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
  • adrien
  • felix waller
  • Kenneth
  • Jamie York
  • David ‮ yensiR
  • Roni Laukkarinen
  • Morten
  • praburangki
  • Andy
  • Necrite
  • Felix
  • Gustavo Bordoni
  • Emkaen
  • Olivier Melcher
  • Josh Tumath
  • Ben
  • Locke23r
  • Marco Montalbano
  • Paul Kinlan
  • zeu
  • Zach Leatherman
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30 #CSS scroll driven animation examples which is your favorite? - z-stack and slither are mine
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
I'll continue to add more examples! but these 30 are pretty fun already and wanted to share it out
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
These are awesome. I like z-stack and wheel.
Sam LittlefairSam Littlefair
great examples ???? I like z-stack too… reminds me of the Star Wars opening crawl ????
Tim NarrTim Narr
Thanks for sharing. These animations are incredible! I especially like synchronized-swimmers and z-stack.
Rick FoxxRick Foxx
Swoop up and scale up
Seth BroweleitSeth Broweleit

@argyleink zoomed out just to show the whole grid. firefox seems to hate them all.

bob.php :veritrek_gold:bob.php :veritrek_gold:
Exactly! The wheel is my favourite!
These are so good! Would scroll snap prevent some of the tweener states?
Jonathan CaprellJonathan Caprell
depends on how you coded it, i mean you could make the tweener states the snap point so when you pause the rodeo is mid mctwist. but i guess yeah, snap points usually are used to prevent resting points from being misaligned with the page grid.
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
These are very cool! Oddly enough, even with the Scroll-driven Animations feature flag turned on in Safari on iOS, they aren’t working on my iPhone. Super slick on my desktop, though.
Holy shit. Since when is css aware of scrolling?! Do you mean I can finally add a drop shadow if there is content to be scrolled?
Ivan ČurićIvan Čurić
Yep! Scroll affordances like shadows can be done with either scroll driven animations or scroll-state() container queries!
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
these are all fun - and an excellent collection :raised-hands: ... I do wonder about this approach in general, seems to me that is does reduce the 'fully-visible' area of effected items, no? not that this is insurmountable, if considered, but it does make me a little itchy ????