![Author: adam@GUIchallenges](https://res.cloudinary.com/dnpmdb8r8/image/upload/w_250,f_auto,c_limit,q_auto,w_auto/argyleink/adoring_tbasig.png)
Thinking on ways to make a Comparison component
In this GUI Challenge,
I use grid, masks and an <input type="range">
to stack and compare 2 elements and their contents.
![GUI Challenges character next to a preview of the comparison component showing 2 images](https://res.cloudinary.com/dnpmdb8r8/image/upload/f_auto,c_limit,q_auto,w_auto/argyleink/gui-compare.jpg)
Thinking on ways to make a Comparison component
In this GUI Challenge,
I use grid, masks and an <input type="range">
to stack and compare 2 elements and their contents.