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details { inline-size: 50ch; interpolate-size: allow-keywords;
&::details-content {s opacity: 0; block-size: 0; overflow-y: clip;  transition: content-visibility 1s allow-discrete, opacity 1s, block-size 1s; }
&[open]::details-content { opacity: 1; block-size: auto; } }
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Open & Close Transitions with <details>

4 min read

CSS interpolate-size is rad. Let's use it with the <details> element so this element can join other HTML elements in elegant presentation.

By far, the most common use case I keep seeing for interpolate-size is to transition the <details> element when it opens and closes.

This is your boilerplate starting place.

The Setup #

Start with a <details> element:

  <summary>Details interpolation example</summary>
  <p>Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid dolores, distinctio ipsum veritatis magni soluta maiores rerum optio, possimus animi eligendi architecto sed placeat quasi quibusdam, nihil odio. Amet, tempore.</p>

Next, it needs a max-inline-size (or placement inside a grid) to prevent the content from being as wide as the page:

details {
  inline-size: 50ch;

Next, add interpolate-size to the element so we can transition to block-size: auto:

details {
  @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
    interpolate-size: allow-keywords;

Now the tricky parts that make this post valuable.

Select the slot of <details> with ::details-content and describe the closed styles. Take special note to transition: content-visibility 1s allow-discrete:

details {
  &::details-content {
    opacity: 0;
    block-size: 0;
    overflow-y: clip; 
    transition: content-visibility 1s allow-discrete,
                opacity 1s,
                block-size 1s;

Lastly, add the open styles.

details {
  &[open]::details-content {
    opacity: 1;
    block-size: auto;

So technically, we're not transitioning the <details> element, we're transitioning the slotted content that goes inside it.


The boilerplate #

Take this and go make awesome things!

details {
  inline-size: 50ch;
  @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
    interpolate-size: allow-keywords;
  &::details-content {
    opacity: 0;
    block-size: 0;
    overflow-y: clip; 
    transition: content-visibility 1s allow-discrete,
                opacity 1s,
                block-size 1s;
  &[open]::details-content {
    opacity: 1;
    block-size: auto;

The Demo #

Note that this effect needs transition-behavior, ::details-content and interpolate-size to work.

Send me a link to the rad <details> elements you make with this‽

Mentions #

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  • Tony Ward
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  • Fynn Becker
  • Schalk Neethling
  • Nick McLaren
you could use View Transitions or entry/exit animation CSS with @starting-style and transition-behavior
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle

@argyleink excellent use case. It's indeed a really common use case. Thanks for sharing it. I need to catch up on all the new CSS properties ????

Side note, nothing alarming, but your content seems to be truncated on Android Firefox. I can't scroll horizontally or zoom out to get the content.

Geoffrey Crofte ☕Geoffrey Crofte ☕

@geoffreycrofte Looks like a case of the pre that won't max inline size. Those stinkers been trouble. Firefox Mobile? Know which version?

Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle

@argyleink Eager to have this available across all browsers. So many designer expect this in their designs, it'll be a great day when all that JS can go away!

Also good to know about content-visibility, I kind of know about how it affects things but never thought of it as part of a <details>'s content.

A side note: you mix block-size and height, I'm assuming that's just an oversight?

Christopher Kirk-NielsenChristopher Kirk-Nielsen

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